What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is another helpful way to learn how to be in union and communion with God, and it has been a part of Christian tradition for centuries. 

“Remain in me and I will remain in you, for apart from me you can do nothing” -John 15:5

In our Christian walks with God, the heart of discipleship includes learning to be in communion and union with God. The story of the Bible is the story of God designing us for relationship with him, and bringing us back into relationship with him through Jesus. In fact, in his prayer in John 17:3, Jesus says that eternal life is “knowing God, and knowing Jesus…” The Great Commission, which many of us center our lives around, is not without God’s promise of his presence with us, “I will be with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).

What Role Does Spiritual Direction Play in Deepening Our Relationship with God?

We have many habits and practices that help us know God and be with God - bible studies, devotionals, daily quiet times, prayer groups, etc. In the midst of these habits however, we can still experience times where God feels distant, silent, aloof, confusing, or even wrong. We seek His presence and wisdom that he promises to give, but it can be hard discerning what is God’s voice and what isn’t. We know he’s there, but balancing faith and daily life can be challenging. We have the theology and memorized bible verses to remind us that he never leaves us or forsakes us, but our experiences might tell us differently. Our personal relationship with Jesus might feel stuck. What does it look like to overcome spiritual dryness? How can we cope with loss and grief in faith? How do we navigate remaining in Christ when our theological study of God and personal experience of God don’t line up?

In addition to habits of bible study, prayer, and Christian community, the ministry of Spiritual Direction is another helpful way to learn how to be in union and communion with God, and it has been a part of Christian tradition for centuries. 

Connect with Marcie Rahill, Spiritual Director

What Does Spiritual Direction Look Like?

In Spiritual direction, a trained or experienced companion uses deep listening to encourage the spiritual story of the other to unfurl. It’s not so much that the spiritual director is directing you, but the Holy Spirit is directing you, with the spiritual director as a guide for listening through asking questions. Through this relationship, the person seeking direction is empowered to explore and reflect on their experiences of God, and, at the same time, to identify spiritual practices that might help them discern more deeply how God meets them in their heart and mind. 

Spiritual direction looks just like a normal conversation. It often consists of a monthly meeting, where a spiritual director asks you questions about your current prayer practice and listens for the ways that God is at work in forming you and those around you. Direction is not counseling or consulting work, it is a relationship with a trusted confidant who has agreed to be a listening partner to help you develop a greater understanding of God and of your own inner being. 

Connect with Becca Patton, Spiritual Director

Is Spiritual Direction Biblical?

We see these kinds of conversions happening in scripture. In 1 Samuel 3, Samuel needs Eli’s help to recognize God’s voice. On the road to Emmaus, Jesus reveals himself in the midst of conversations among two disciples who are grieving the recent events of his death and it being different than their expectations of Him. In these kinds of conversations, there is room to not know, room to long for more, and room to go deeper.

Using a common analogy for spiritual direction, a spiritual director is similar to being a midwife. A midwife tends to a woman going through pregnancy and birth, helping her navigate the aches and pains, the unknown and fears, and leads her through the labor and delivery, to receive a new birth. A spiritual director is like a midwife to the soul who comes alongside someone to help  navigate the aches and pains, the unknowns and fears, as one learns to receive the new that God has for them.

Spiritual direction is a wonderful opportunity to grow in a life with God. If you would like to learn more about spiritual direction or how to get connected to a spiritual director, press "Get Started."

Connect with Jared Webb, Spiritual Director

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